Vol 4No 01April 2023

Fifty years of the Peruvian agrarian reform on film. Methodological reflections on the return of images to the province of Paucartambo (Cusco) during the making of the documentary “Good morning, wiraqocha”

Vol 4No 01April 2023pp. 66-90
  • Peruvian agrarian reform,
  • Peruvian documentary,
  • post-documentary,
  • video elitcitation,
  • Saturnino Huillca

Abstract Views: 1214 | Downloads: 1930


In 1971, the Swedish director Jan Lindqvist filmed the documentary Agripino in the community of Churo (Cusco, Peru), in which the local peasants denounced in first person the abuses to which they had been subjected by the landlord during the implementation of the agrarian reform. After 50 years, the film returns to the community and, based on this, we decided to make a new film in the same region: Good morning, wiraqocha. What impact did the implementation of the agrarian reform have on the people who lived in this community? Is it possible to jointly build the representation of their memories in a documentary? What methodologies should be used for this new project?

How to Cite

Godoy Paredes, M. J., & Guerrero, S. L. (2023). Fifty years of the Peruvian agrarian reform on film. Methodological reflections on the return of images to the province of Paucartambo (Cusco) during the making of the documentary “Good morning, wiraqocha”. Historia Agraria De América Latina, 4(01), 66–90. https://doi.org/10.53077/haal.v4i01.155 (Original work published April 30, 2023)


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