Vol 1No 02November 2020

“Four skinny cows grazing over rich mines do not contribute to the nation”: Mining, agriculture, and conflict in Northeastern Antioquia (1930-1950)

Vol 1No 02November 2020pp. 47-73
  • mining,
  • agriculture,
  • conflicts,
  • mining laws,
  • Northeastern Antioquia (Colombia),
  • nation-state formation
  • ...More

Abstract Views: 824 | Downloads: 438


This article analyzes the conflicts between miners and farmers in Northeastern Antioquia between 1930 and 1950 to understand the problematic coexistence of ideas of public and private ownership of land and gold and the role of the state in regulating them. In the agrarian literature about Colombia, scholars argue that fake mining claims became a mechanism to hoard large extensions of land. To test this hypothesis, we study Colombian mining and land legislation alongside conflicts between farmers and miners that rest in the Archivo Histórico de Antioquia. Rather than a problem of land grabbing, the conflicts between mining and agriculture reveal that the antioqueño mining tradition of mazamorreros and the promotion of frontier colonization through colonos were in stark contradiction with the new agricultural and mining uses of natural resources and the model of regional development after the great depression. Since the laws protected both, mazamorreros and colonos, and mining and farming entrepreneurs, the access to natural resources became a source of conflict in places were mining and agriculture coexisted.

How to Cite

Henao, D., & Campuzano, L. . (2022). “Four skinny cows grazing over rich mines do not contribute to the nation”: Mining, agriculture, and conflict in Northeastern Antioquia (1930-1950). Historia Agraria De América Latina, 1(02), 47–73. https://doi.org/10.53077/haal.v1i02.62 (Original work published July 19, 2022)


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