Peasant mobilisation and democratisation in Latin America: Reducing political inequalities in Montes de María, 1950-2000
- Peasant mobilisation,
- democratisation,
- Colombia,
- political inequalities,
- social relations
Vistas al resumen: 564 | Descargas: 164
This article revisits trajectories of peasant mobilisation in Montes de María (northern Colombia) between 1950 and 2000. The review highlights how those trajectories implied, for those involved, negotiating disagreements and arranging collaborations in the 1980s. Upon this analysis, the article argues that these trajectories were part of a broader process of democratisation. The objective is precisely to propose a discussion about the links between peasant mobilisation and democratisation in Latin America during this period. Indeed, agrarian historians have shown that peasant mobilisation shaped formal political institutions. To complement those findings, though, the article argues for historicising democratisation also as the reduction of political inequalities. This concept of democratisation exceeds formal political institutions and is best observed in changes in social relations. In the case of campesinos in Montes de María, their efforts sought to reduce political inequalities both among them, and between them and other social actors.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Sebastián De La Rosa Carriazo
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