Vol 3No 02noviembre 2022

The California Gold Rush and the Creation of Chile’s National Mortgage Bank: the Caja de Crédito Hipotecario

Vol. 3No. 02noviembre 2022pp. 1-29
Palabras clave: 
  • Chilean financial institutions,
  • mortgage banks,
  • Latin American agrarian history,
  • California Gold Rush

Vistas al resumen: 670 | Descargas: 971


The decade of the 1850s was a transformative period for Chile’s economy tied to the California Gold Rush as well as to mineral booms in Australia and northern Chile. The Gold Rush produced a windfall gain for Chile’s landowners in Central Chile who supplied wheat and other agricultural products for the newly opened export markets. By 1855 landowners were wealthy based on the value of their estates but were unable to obtain mortgage credit to make investments in irrigation. In August 1855 the Chilean Congress passed legislation to create a state-sponsored mortgage bank, the Caja de Crédito Hipotecario. Five years after the Caja made its first loans the country experienced a devastating mortgage crisis. The Caja was forced to seize and liquidate properties of many landowners. In the succeeding years mortgage credit recovered. Over 160 years later BancoEstado, the direct successor of the Caja, is the third largest and only public bank, the largest mortgage lender, and the oldest financial institution in Chile.

Cómo citar

Brock, P. (2022). The California Gold Rush and the Creation of Chile’s National Mortgage Bank: the Caja de Crédito Hipotecario. Historia Agraria De América Latina, 3(02), 1–29. https://doi.org/10.53077/haal.v3i02.129 (Original work published 30 de noviembre de 2022)


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