Vol 1No 01abril 2020

International and Local Collaboration in the Social Design of the Harvester in Argentina during the Long Twentieth Century (1900-2010)

Vol. 1No. 01abril 2020pp. 70-93
Palabras clave: 
  • harvester combine,
  • international collaboration,
  • farm machinery,
  • technological innovation,
  • agriculture

Vistas al resumen: 442 | Descargas: 1160


This article examines the local and international collaboration of farm machine-making between Argentines and Americans. These collaborative interactions provide insight into the multiplicity of design, invention and innovation at the local and international level. Drawing on nearly 100 oral histories, collective memory, more than 60,000 invention patents in a newly created data set, and visual and material culture, the collaborative approach of designer-users and manufacturers/makers demonstrate that the long, arduous task of tinkering and collaborating required participants to believe that building machinery was meaningful, important work. Second, it shows that local oral tradition and community culture mattered to the making of local technology and taking it to the international stage.

Cómo citar

Pineda, Y. (2022). International and Local Collaboration in the Social Design of the Harvester in Argentina during the Long Twentieth Century (1900-2010). Historia Agraria De América Latina, 1(01), 70–93. https://doi.org/10.53077/haal.v1i01.16 (Original work published 19 de julio de 2022)


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